Liz in Disney

Saturday, December 02, 2006

yet another painful twist

So today was a very long, sad, and depressing day. For the past few days Brian has been suspended from Disney from last week..heres what happened:Last week was brian's parents visit down here..well they were scheduled to come in tuesday..and sunday night he worked til 2:45am...He was extremely tired considering he had been there since 4 in the afternooN, so he tried to get ERed(early release) and they said ok that he could get off at 1am..well..when 1am rolled around they changed their he ended up staying the whole time..the next morning he decided to call out since he was calling out tuesday to get his parents into the hotel and the fact that i was sick..and he was tired..and he took me to the doctors..well..wednesday he had off and took his parents to epcot..he wasnt feeling too good though, so he came home right after lunch..that night he skipped dinner and came over to see me(still sick) and ended up falling asleep the whole time he was here..thursday he was scheduled to work morning and would be off for plenty of time before dinner, but when he woke up he was feeling even worse, so called in to make sure it'd be ok since it was thanksgiving, and they said it was, so he stayed home and slept..after dinner his parents wanted to go to downtown disney or something, but neither of us was feeling well..fortunately i was starting to feel better, but unfortunately brian was getting worse..friday he had off, so he used his pass to get his parents and me into animal kingdom..well after a few hours there he started feeling worse so we were home by noon..that night after dinner we planned on going to see the mgm lights..well brian felt bad again and thought the night air wouldn't help his situation so again, we went home..saturday i had that morning we went to mgm but after lunch we went home because.....brian felt bad..he called out that night too..and we went to dinner again and were goin to see epcot's night show..but one more time..brian didnt think he could handle it..and that afternoon my throat was hurting again too..well the next day was his parents departure..they all came to the apartment, but good bye's got cut short when brian complained his stomach was hurting really bad so we said quick good bye's and he ran home..took medicine and went back to sleep..after calling out again..monday he had off normally and i had switched my shift with someone so i would have off too..we were planning on going to universal studios, but brian said he really didnt think he instead we spent the day laying around watching movies and letting him feel better..tuesday he goes back to work..well as soon as he came in at 7pm they told him not to clock in and called him into the office..they said that since he missed more than 3 days of work he had to be cleared by health services to come back to work..and since wed. was his other day off that week if he didnt go right then he'd be fired on the spot for being out of work 10 days straight...luckily health services closes at 9..but unluckily i was at the talent show and had no brian was calling me to get directions since health services is located at epcot's cast between acts it got quiet and i heard my phone ring..i picked up to a frantic brian telling me to get to somewhere i could hear..well i finally got him directions and he got there a little after 8..they cleared him and he went back to work..i thought everything was fine until i got a call at 10:20 telling me that they took his disney ID and told him he was under suspension until further notice..they also made him make a statement saying why he didnt go to the doctor and was out 5 days..which of course included the fact that his girlfriend was sick with the same thing and waited at the doc's for over 2 hrs. to get told to get a decongestant and plently of sleep and fluids...and that her roomate had the same y would he go to a the money and the time to get told the same thing??? HELLO! each day we waited and he called human resources and so did his dad..but they said to just wait..well friday they call to tell him he has a meeting saturday at 12..well im waiting and worrying and praying..and he calls me at 12:12 telling me things didnt turn the way we wanted them and he had to be gone by 11am on sunday..ya..imagine today has been long..and not necessarily in a good way..its hard to keep myself pulled together..every now and then i think of something else to upset me about it we didnt get to do this..and how we didnt get a picture there..and how i wont be spending christmas OR new years with him..or any of my family/friends who technically are family....i seriously could handle missing thanksgiving and even his b-day..but this time of year is the most important to me..its THE family holiday! theres so much we had planned for this last month its ridiculous..for weekend is sam's b-day bash on cocoa beach...he wont be there..we got off dec. 18 and 19th so we could definitly spend a good day at universal and attend the mickey's very merry christmas party..we were going to have a christmas apt. party where we watch movies and eat cookies..and the winter formal..and the graduation! just really sucks. i think ive said in most of my posts on here i dont know how i would've made it w/o brian here with me..and now he wont be. i know its jus one more month..and i know i have friends down here..but sorry..its just not the same..i know that there is a huge lesson that i will learn here..and i know it will be a GREAT growing experience for both of us, but that doesnt make it hurt any less..and make it any less harder..he's my everything and its hard to do anything without your everything! just pray that i make it..and that i will stop crying at the drop of a word or something every so often..even though its just a month..its the biggest month of the year..and i know once i get home we will still celebrate..but it wont be the same cuz everywhere else the decorations will be taken down already..i dont know..i guess really i have nothing else to say right now except that i hurt badly..i dont think ive gone an entire month without brian since maybe my freshman year of high school..and even while i was at college and was away from him weeks at a time..sometimes those weeks felt a lot longer..ugh..this just all really pisses me off and makes me hate the D company so much if they havent put me and everyone in my apt. through enough..this just is the candles on the sprinkles on the icing on the cake!

also..i know a lot of you guys will wanna call to make me feel better..and im not trying to be mean or anything, but i'd really appreciate if you wouldn't. right now i dont want to talk about it, which is why i wrote about it all in detail..i will let you know when im ready..but for now, please don't call..its nothing personal.


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